Oral Bioscience

Sample Book 1

Oral Bioscience

by D B Ferguson

ISBN 0443053731 Publisher: Churchill Livingstone


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Book Description

Today's Dental Curriculum has moved away from dividing subjects into separate blocs -the emphasis now is on students understanding the interrelation between the anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of the oral facial complex. Oral Bioscience is a textbook of oral biology for dental students that matches this need; covering the biochemistry, physiology and molecular biology of the mouth.



SECTION I: ORAL HARD AND SOFT TISSUES. Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism. Calcified Tissues. Calcification. Dental Pulp. Periodontal Ligament. SECTION III: ORAL SENSATION AND ACTIVITY AGEING. Oral Sensation. Mastication and Deglution. Speech. The Ageing Mouth. SECTION II: ORAL FLUIDS, DEPOSITS AND NUTRIENTS. The Salivary Glands and Their Secretions. Gingival Crevicular Fluid. Deposits on the Teeth Surface. Nutrition. Fluoride.